Ethics statement

This is a statement of my personal ethics and beliefs surrounding my photographic practice. It is important that this is publicly available so that the communities I works with are fully aware of my practice and ways of working.


I work to respect the rights of the people I collaborate with. When photographing or filming a person, I am fully transparent about how the images will be used. I seek consent from anyone I work with to use their images in public forums and spaces.


I aim to spend as long as possible with a community before beginning a photographic project that involves vulnerable or marginalised communities, or environmental defenders. I only take on paid projects of the above nature where deadlines are flexible and there is allowance for full community engagement.

I involve the participants of a socially-engaged or community photo project at every stage. As a participant, you have full control over how your image is made, how it’s shared and/or exhibited and if you’d like the image to be removed from the public domain at any point.


I am always honest in declaring the circumstances under which a photograph has been taken. I do not use AI tools in any area of my work.

Sustainability/ Environment:

I reduce the ecological impact of my work wherever possible. I do this making informed decisions about the equipment and processes I use.

I do not work for any client or company associated with companies that profit from environmental destruction. This includes (but is not limited to) fossil fuel companies, mining companies, logging companies, or private landowners that allow the killing of animals for sport.

Drone Operation

I will always put the welfare of the person or animal I’m filming above all else. I will never use any drone licensed to me as a surveillance tool.

Protest/ direct action:

I choose whether or not to attend a protest with my camera. Emotional and sensitive subject matters will either be carefully photographed if I am invited by the organisers, or not photographed at all. I believe the safety of a person should always come before the story.

I will never knowingly or willingly share my images of protestors/demonstrators/activists and/or occupants of activist spaces with police, bailiffs, or private security.


When I make mistakes, I try to leave aside my ego and respond with vulnerability and humility. I recognise that ethics is a process and that I am always learning.

I’ve submitted the above statement to the Photography Ethics Centre’s Statement of Ethics campaign. I’ve been added to their list of practicioners committed to photo ethics.  You can make the pledge here.

Statement of Ethics

All images copyright © George Steedman Jones 2024. Images, video or audio on this website cannot be reproduced without the artist’s consent. Nothing on this website has been created by AI. Artist portrait © Harriet Adams. All rights reserved.